Ok, so here I am writing another article. So I can go the short way about of how I came to committing myself to Android app building starting 2 days ago or I can take the long route and say why I did so? Well, since I have promised to myself that I will be honest and keep nothing out of the picture, I will tell the long story.
So, first things first; I got in touch with this amazing human being Tony Robbins aka Anthony Robbins with the help of documentary 'Tony Robbins: I am not your Guru'. Amazing film, amazing documentary and it zapped me out from my miserable state of inaction and pumped me up with energy. As like attracts like, I came to stumble upon 'The Edge' and his upcoming challenge #OwnYourFuture and I signed up for it. Now, one of the things that Tony goes on about is action and a plan to do it. Now, I have always wanted to make an Android app and because of my rationalization, I have failed miserably to act in the direction. So, for these 2 days, I committed myself in the process of making an Android App. It is still ongoing and to make myself accountable, I will post about the progress of my project every single day here. I will appreciate your honest feedback in my journey of making an app.
So, what have I done in these 2 days? Here's what I did:
1. Find all the relevant websites
I went through all the websites and skimmed them to find what is and what is not useful for me. The sites that helped me are:
The 12 Best Android Tutorials for First-Time App Developers - This was an amazing site which lists down all the relevant sites and a brief description of their contents. I picked up a site from this list.
Build your first app - Since I am a total noob, I chose this site to make my first very app. It has got all the detailed instructions to follow and do to make an android app.
2. Actually creating an app
I started following instructions and one of the things that is a pre-requisite is having Android Studio . I already had one installed, I had to get it updated though to the latest version.
Secondly, I started following the instructions. The one thing I liked is having design layout where I can position the elements and see how it actually looks when it is placed.
Thirdly, the concept of constraints are new to me. It was fun understanding the concept and playing with it with various views.
Fourthly, I made 'Hello World' app and then made a modified version of it, where after clicking on a button, an activity aka 'Hello World' display, is triggered.
Well, this is what I have been doing for the past 2 days. I will share more of my adventures tomorrow. Till then, stay safe and enjoy. Adios!