Webmentions in Ghost and the challenges that I faced

Webmentions in Ghost and the challenges that I faced

So recently, I have been fairly inactive in Hashnode community and have been trying out webmentions in Ghost. Easily described on how to implement it but it gave me a few challenges to work with and currently, I have still not implemented it fully. But hey, I thought, why not document my challenges and share it, was my thought; so here I am with this article.

1st Challenge - Registering webmention for Ghost website

There is no direct way to register webmentions for Ghost website. I implemented it by using my social media account like Github and Twitter where I mentioned the Ghost website in my profile and then I used the Github and Twitter account in my Ghost website to get my Ghost website registered. It was kind of loopy but hell I enjoyed it

2nd Challenge - Putting webmention in place

I tried to test webmentions on Ghost using 3rd party link webmentions.app. I was able to send webmentions, comment on it and get the json feed. But integration, hmmm, that took a while.

3rd challenge - CORS access

This was a good challenge. I found a workaround of disabling CORS in Chrome and in Firefox browsers. In Chrome I used the command line script

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
chrome.exe --user-data-dir="C:\Users\UserName\Documents\my\data" --disable-web-security

It worked for Chrome. For firefox, I used an extension. It is definitely not a permanent solution and I will be finding a workaround for it

4th Challenge - Showing comments (currently stuck)

Ridiculous as it may sound, I am stuck in making the comments show on my page using js. Frankly speaking, I am not that good at js and have some basic knowledge of it and currently, this is where I am.

I will definitely let you know my adventures and keep writing and posting. Till then Adios! my friends